About Me

We are Clark students, faculty, staff, and alumni committed to organizing around issues of social and economic justice. We work to promote equal access to dignified employment, worker's rights to organize, and the fair distribution of resources. We support Clark Sodexo food service workers' right to organize for better working conditions. They have the right to do so without intimidation. We value their service to the Clark community.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nearly 200 rally Sunday for workers' rights

Yesterday, nearly 200 community members, local labor unions, Sodexo workers, and Clark students and faculty rallied in support of food service workers' right to organize for better working conditions. Photos by Hannah Kay.

Students wore purple in solidarity with the workers' struggle for fair treatment and democratic freedom to join a union.

Alex Westervelt and Celina Grisi represented the student group Clark Unite! by demanding that President Bassett come forward with a public statement of neutrality.

The students met in Red Square and marched to Crystal Pond to meet the workers, who are currently not allowed on campus outside of their shift hours.

Chanting and marching.

Alex expressed the students' support for workers.

Worcester Mayor Joe O'Brien, a huge friend of organized labor, spoke in support of the freedom to join a union.

State Representative Jim O'Day, a card carrying union member, reminded us that we have support in the state legislature.

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