About Me

We are Clark students, faculty, staff, and alumni committed to organizing around issues of social and economic justice. We work to promote equal access to dignified employment, worker's rights to organize, and the fair distribution of resources. We support Clark Sodexo food service workers' right to organize for better working conditions. They have the right to do so without intimidation. We value their service to the Clark community.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Clark University Student Council Shows Support

Student Council Endorsement:

We, the members of the Clark Undergraduate Student Council, formally accept and endorse the contents of the attached proposal for a Clark University Labor Code of Conduct. This policy is an affirmation of inherent rights that all institutions must responsibly protect and uphold. The cornerstone of Clark University is our commitment to fostering community; an environment based on acceptance, solidarity, and social consciousness. Students are united through this central value of inclusion. With this endorsement let it be known that all who share this campus are members of our community. Regardless of one’s status as a student, faculty or staff member, administrator, manager, or campus worker, all are entitled to the same level of respect. Often taken for granted is the fact that campus workers are members of the Clark community. They are entitled to the same sense of dignity and open environment that all enjoy. When questions of unionization arise it is the responsibility of the entire Clark community to reinforce fundamental rights and make known that intimidation, harassment, and discrimination by any party will not be accepted. Ultimately the final decision is to be decided by the workers and the workers alone. As students we must stand behind these principles. Failure to recognize these basic values is a violation that affects the entire Clark community.

The Clark Undergraduate Student Council urges the University administration to immediately affirm the contents of the attached proposal for a Clark University Labor Code of Conduct. Acceptance of this policy is an assertion of the mutual regard we have for one another on this campus.

Advisory Committee Addendum:

As Clark University Student Council, we endorse preferential rehire for any employee at Clark University that is seasonally laid off. Preferential rehire ensures that any worker that wants to return to work after summer break is entitled to a job before any new worker is hired. Sodexo policy for higher educational institutions mandates that workers are laid off in May and asked to return to work in August when school begins again. There is the potential for discrimination against pro-union workers in the rehiring process, and preferential rehire would address this possibility.


  1. Hey, maybe you should quit bitching and and posting propaganda and actually ask the workers what they want. You're seeing the world through clark goggles. Kind of like "I'm gonna help the shit out of you!" Also, some people are thinking you might be on union payroll for this bullshit.

  2. Clark UNITE! is not trying to push the SEIU onto the workers, we are fighting so that workers have the freedom to choose unionization without misinformation or intimidation. Clark UNITE! is not sponsored by the SEIU.
